Thursday, March 31, 2011

We are excited about the opportunities available to us this coming summer!

For the past four years members of our family have had the opportunity to experience God on the mission field in South America. Mission Trip has been the highlight of each year and "Being on Mission with God" is the lifestyle the Lord has directed us to lead according to Mathew 28.

Jessica and I recently traveled to Tegucigalpa, Honduras as part of the Frontlline Missions planning team, to scout out our accomodations and make contacts for Mission Trip 2011. We were welcomed by the family of God who invited us into their home and shared everything they possessed with us as if we had been friends all our lives. Tegucigalpa, with a population of near 4 million, is the capital of Honduras and is located in the mountains of Central America.

Jessica will leave for Honduras June 5th to help with final preparations for our groups arrival. After mission trip, she will travel directly to Colombia, South America with Elizabeth Jambor. They will be involved in various outreach activities over a four month period. First they will spend time in Pairera with Kevin and Christine Cunningham, helping with evangelism efforts during the Under 20 World Cup Soccor Tournament. The remainder of their time will spent in Barranquilla, where we ministered on mission trip last year. Magdalena, a woman we have relationship with through Mission Trip 2010, has offered them accomodations and everyone is very excited that they will have the opportunity to live in a home and experience the culture first hand.

Tony and I, along with the four older children will travel to Tegucigalpa, Honduras June 24 - July 5 and participate in city wide evangelism through school and street ministry as well as partner with Evangelism of Earth in a three night crusade featuring DC Reto and Steve Fatow. Our teams will be involved with food ministry and building a playground in a very rural, impoverished area. Our time in the city also coincides with a youth event expected to draw thousands of young people from several Latin-American countries.

On July 8th I will leave for Buffalo, New York with the three younger kids. Buffalo is the third poorest city in the United States and is home to a great number of refugees. We will work with the Dream Center and John Tasch Ministries to share God's love with the nations living within the inner city. Sidewalk Sonday School is a highlight for children of all ages in the community, Adopt a Block is a practical way to bless the neighborhoods. Janna and Joyannah, who have participated with the Knoxville Inner City Kids Outreach program in Knoxville, are especially excited, as this will be their first out of town mission experience.

The preparation season for these trips is intense with prayer, training meetings, drama practices, and various other activities. Please pray for the Lord to direct us and make our hearts ready to reach out to the people with His love. Pray for our teams to work together in unity. Pray for the people of Tegucigalpa to receive the love of Jesus and salvation, also for churches to be planted.

As we have been anticipating these trips, everyone has been involved in fund raising activities of various types throughout the fall and winter. Even Janna has earned the first $110 toward her trip. As a family we have raised nearly $4000 of the approximately $10,000 needed. This amount excludes Jessica's five month expense budget. Please prayerfully consider how your family can participate in sending us to the nations. If you are able to support us financially, please write checks to Trinity Chapel in order to receive proper tax credit for your donation, we can also receive personal checks. Any monetary gifts should be sent directly to our home address:
Evan's Family 935 Corning Rd. Knoxville, TN 37923.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Greetings and Reflections

    Many times I have thought that I was born about a hundred years too late!  As we read through the Little House Series, yet again, I am enamored by the pioneer spirit which has carried the human race into century after century.  I am intrigued by the perserverance, tenacity, adventure,  excitement of discovery, and faith found in my favorite historical heroes.

    The spirit of the pioneer is what has sustained the memory of the Lord  through all generations since the beginning of creation.  This pioneer spirit is what has allowed the gospel to persist through 2010 years.  The telling of all God's wonderous works and the retelling of His great glory has made the name of the Lord famous for thousands of years.   

     As I ponder the past year, I scrutinize the decisions and activities our family has participated in to determine if we have lived a life that, as individuals and as a family, will carry forth the memory of the Lord into future generations.  Through our business endeavors, sports and music activities, homeschool, and daily routine I see that many days just happened.  My tendancy is to believe the lie, that no difference was made through our lives in this world for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.  This is a lie, there is no truth in these words.  Many people have left their mark on history by living rather ordinary lives. 

    Having had the opportunity  this last year to be reaquainted with the lives of many heroes of the Christian faith, I realize that in actuality I was meant to be - here, now, for such a time as this.  I have a purpose and I have a destiny, God made me for His glory. Through my life the glory of His story will be known. 

    All of us are living history everyday!  We have been chosen to continue the history that began at creation, continued through the birth of Jesus, and will not end until the Lord returns.  How exciting that the God of All is writing His story through our lives!!!  Through us, the memory of the Lord and the fame of His name will continue through all generations!!! 

    I will perpetuate Your memory through all generations;
therefore the nations will praise You forever and ever.  Psalm 45:17